Left in the Snow: 8 Winter Running Essentials

Left in the Snow: 8 Winter Running Essentials

If you're an avid runner, living in a cold-weather state can be quite a drag. After all, a brutal winter makes for some of the worst running conditions imaginable. But that doesn't mean you need to let it get you down; winter running is a possibility. All you need is the right equipment. 

Interested in learning what that equipment is? Then read on. Here are some essentials for running in the cold. 

1. Gloves

When you run, your hands move back and forth on a constant basis. This isn't a problem when it's warm outside. In fact, the movement can actually bring a cooling breeze to your hands. 

Unfortunately, that same thing poses a problem during winter runs. The movement of your hands causes them to become colder than they already are. 

As such, when going out for a cold-weather run, you have to wear gloves. If you can get by with light cotton ones, go ahead. But, we would advise a thick, waterproof pair, in particular. 

2. Anti-chafing Cream

Running is always bound to bring on a fair amount of chafing. But when the weather gets cold, the stakes get even higher. For this reason, before setting off on your winter runs, you're advised to apply some anti-chafing cream. 

This cream should be applied to the inner parts of your legs, your armpit areas, and anywhere else in which friction might arise. It will allow for the smooth movement of your body parts, and will also help to replenish skin. 

There are all sorts of anti-chafing creams on the market today. If you're interested, you should take a look at ours

3. Headlamp

When winter rolls around, the sun goes down much earlier than usual. In some areas of the United States, darkness falls at around 4:30 PM. As such, winter running often equals night running. 

What do you need to help you get through your night runs? Light! What type of lighting is best for runners? Headlamps!

A headlamp will enable you to light your way hands-free. It will also help passersby to see you, keeping you and them out of harm's way. You can find headlamps online for around $10, so find a passable one and add it to your arsenal. 

4. Hat

When you're out on a winter run, your head is bound to start feeling the chill. Your ears, in particular, can get very cold, and can sometimes feel as though they're burning. As such, before you set out, you want to make sure that you've got a hat on hand. 

You don't need to wear your hat from the beginning of the run. Odds are, when the run first starts, your head is going to be sweating. But when that sweat is exposed to cold air, the feeling will become overwhelming fairly quickly, and you'll need something to provide warmth. 

This doesn't call for anything special. Any stocking cap will do. However, there are runner-friendly winter hats out there, the types that wick away sweat. 

5. Thermal Shirt

When the weather is hot, you want to release as much body heat as possible. When the weather is cold, you want the exact opposite. You want to retain body heat. 

How can you go about doing that? One option is to wear a thermal shirt. A thermal shirt fits close to the body, thus trapping heat and allowing the wearer to use it to his or her advantage. 

Thermal shirts also help to wick away sweat, preventing it from becoming cold and working against the runner. In essence, they're the ideal winter weather athletic wear. 

You can find thermal shirts online and at many retail stores for as little as $15 a pop. These come with both long and short sleeves, giving you a wide variety to choose from. 

6. Thermal Pants

You don't have to stop at thermal shirts. There are thermal pants available out there as well. These look a little like tights, as they fit flush against their wearers' bodies. 

They work in the same way that thermal shirts do, trapping heat and wicking away sweat. Whether they are worn alone or under another pair of pants or shorts, they can deliver a great deal of warmth throughout the entirety of a run. 

7. Tissues

Running in the cold isn't always pretty. At some point, your nose is bound to start running. To prevent the situation from becoming too uncomfortable, you're advised to keep tissues on hand. 

This way, you can reach into your pocket, wipe your nose, and place the used tissue into another pocket. You'll keep your clothing clean and will maintain a decent level of comfort throughout the run. 

8. Winter Running Shoes

The biggest issue you'll face when running during the wintertime is the issue of slippery footing. With the ice and the snow, you're bound to have a difficult time keeping your balance. For this reason, if you're an avid runner, you're advised to invest in some winter running shoes. 

Winter running shoes are designed with specialized soles, providing them with increased traction. They help to keep you on your feet, even when standard running shoes wouldn't. They also provide you with added insulation, helping to keep your feet warm in cold temperatures. 

There are all sorts of great winter running shoes on the market. Type "winter running shoes" into Google and you're sure to be met with a variety of options. 

Winter Running Doesn't Have to Be a Pain

Winter running isn't always easy. But it doesn't have to be a pain. Put these tips to good use and you'll conquer the snow and cold. 

Interested in buying products to help enhance the quality of your runs? We have some that you might be interested in. 

Browse our selection of products now! 


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